This card was made with some backing papers I made and a decoupage sheet
The papers used can be found in the new Decoupage and Backing sheets section in the Gallery on Free Craft Downloads (This is where members can add sheets they have made)
Decoupage sheet
Backing paper "weave"
Backing paper "curl"
To make the card I cut out and assembled the decoupage sheet
using the settings on my printer I printed the weave backing sheet A5 size and the curl paper 5x7 size by doing this I had the sizes I needed for the card.
I stuck the weave paper to an A5 white card then layered the curl paper on top I edged these with some border peel offs I had coloured with a peel off pen
I added the decoupage to the middle of the curl paper then stuck a "Just For You" peel off under it.
#152 Anything Goes - CD Sunday Plus Challenge
As usual the theme is Anything Goes at The CD Sunday Plus Challenge -
remember you must have used something printed from a CD, a USB or a digital
6 days ago